If you are looking to expand and develop your knowledge in health and social care – then look no further!
Health and Social Care BA (HONS), is specifically designed to provide a strong employable focus at all levels of the course. The main areas that you will focus on studying will include:
• Sociology of Health
• Public Health
• Mental Health
• Disability
• Multi-agency working
• Welfare
• Social care issues (faced by vulnerable individuals and groups)
As you can see, this course is very diverse in all aspects, but what they all have in common is that you have to have “people skills”. Although learning and gathering information into great detail is important, you must also be comfortable with working with others as well as independently. Being confident is important because whoever you may help in the future, they will want to have faith in you. Whether that is:
• To help them in the right direction
• Put them at ease
• Having faith in yourself
• To be confident enough to be able to find solutions to any situation, dilemma or problems that may arise
It is important to be able to make that bond.
Since there is a very strong employment focus in all areas, this will enable you to develop and enhance the skills necessary to the job that you desire.
If you would like further information on any of our courses, or you believe that this is the course for you– CONTACT US TODAY!!
Please note:
✓ This course achieved 98% overall satisfaction in the National Student Survey.